IRM1500 Motorola RTU is based on SITARA Cortex with Linux Embedded OS bringing to the market the true advantage of real time Linux operating system incorporated with proved OSI 7 layers protocol communication! IRM1500 is equipped with metal enclosure and fully integrated with optional built-in ASTRO 25 data modem for 700MHz, 800MHz, and 900MHz bands. IRM1500 and ACE1000 share the same HW and SW platforms operating over Motorola ASTRO 25 Integrated Voice & Data (IV&D) radio system.
Like any other Motorola RTU, IRM1500 can accommodate at the same time OPEN and STANDARD protocols while in its new, compact, rugged and robust package, the IRM1500 is the ideal solution to “upgrade” your existing communication media to P25 without having to completely replace your current system. This versatile and powerful solution will facilitate higher reliability and interoperability at a lower cost.